The Projections Display Window

This window displays projections of the spin denstity matrix onto selected basis operator as a function of 'real experiment' time in the course of pulse sequence.

  1. Projections: The graphs represent projections onto user-selected basis operators (see Spin Setup Window), indicated on the left: z1, y1, and y2 denote Sz1, Sy1, and Sx2, respectively, for a two-spin system.
  2. Pulse Program: Schematic representation of the pulse program (here: invist) in 'real experiment' time. Channels are indicated on the left, the gradient channel (G) is colored green.
  3. Start-of-Acquisition Time Stamp: Indicates 'real' time point when acquisition started. Note: evolution of the spin density components during acqusition is currently not displayed, so the acquisition perios is not present in this graph.
  4. Time Axis: Displays 'real' time in the course of the experiment, also indicated by tick labels. All graphs in this plot are synchronized with this axis.
  5. Shown Transient(s): Indicates currently displayed transient(s).

    Display/View Port Controls:
  6. Next Transient: Display the whole time period corresponding to the next transient;
  7. Current Transient: Display the whole time period corresponding to current transient. If more than one transient was displayed prior to clicking on this buttom, the transient corresponding to the middle of the displayed time range will be selected as current transient;
  8. Previous Transient: Display the whole time period corresponding to the previous transient;
  9. Right Shift: Shift the view port to the right (graph is shifted to the left);
  10. Left Shift: Shift the view port to the left (graph is shifted to the right);
  11. Zoom Out: Compress the graph;
  12. Zoom In: Expand the graph;
  13. Full Graph: Display full graph, no zoom;
    Also, the graph can be zoomed in using mouse (Note: in this case, the current transient(s) indicator might not be updated properly):

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Page designed by David Fushman & Peter Nicholas. Modified 11/28/2001.